Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cicadas are screaming as if future generations depended on them!

And the sun has tilted on its axis and we're moving toward Autumn.

May the novelty of midwestern cicadas never wear off!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Faith Journey - anyone's you know of?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Barista "shhhhhhhh.."

As part of the "King's Protection Program" I start something this afternoon that requires kaki pants and a black collared shirt. I suppose a size 4 blonde looks good in that get up and color, but not me.

Presently I'm working on stretching out the kaki's that have shrunk over the past nine months while I've been sitting on my rear writing papers. Also, I'm working on lengthening the black t-neck to see if it will cover the expanded behind.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

So many opportunties...
I'm awash in wonder...
Thank you Lord for second chances..

Friday, December 23, 2005

"They all came to see baby Jesus"

Maddie and I stood in awe and exclaimed, "They all came to see baby Jesus." Well... Maddie doesn't talk, but doggone it (heh heh), she's got a good bark!

If you are Catholic, please explain the money in the manger (and there IS a baby Jesus in Mary's lap).

And for a sweet story of baby Jesus see Katie's blog.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Midwest Mystic Princess Convergence
~ November 18 - 20th
~ Ann Arbor, Michigan

~ All princesses are invited
be there!
(sorry, no boys allowed)
Can't make it this time, next convergence: Feb 24 - 26th
in Denver... check out
or my xanga SallySchilling

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Birds in the Forest

Here's an interesting quote from "A Father's Story" by Andre Dubus.

"...there was a female seriousness about them, and it was secretive, and of course I thought: love, sex. But it was more than that: it was womanhood they were entering, the deep forest of it, and no matter how many women and men too are saying these days that there is little difference between us, the truth is that men find their way into that forest only on clearly marked trails, while women move about in it like birds..."

Any thoughts you'd like to share?